Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Old Ropes

There's always a story behind every old rope.
Maybe it caught a mad heifer off a roan on a lope;
or got drenched in the rain on a day with a storm,
because no matter the weather, there's work to perform.
Then there's stories of the poly, nylon, reata, or maguey
that drug calves to the fire till it started to fray;
but you keep that old rope whose life's gone away,
because it holds the memories from your good and bad days.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Horses of God

They stand in absolute silence beneath the falling flakes of white,
In the bitter cold and the blinding snow at 0 Fahrenheit.
Their matted tails and tangled manes look accustom this time of year,
And in their eyes you don't see the slightest bit of fear.
Instead you see a bit of Gods hand in the creation of this companion for man.
And you realize the horse is a special thing, made by the Father, the Heavenly King.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Every time I ride with the Forsbergs I have a blast, but I remember one particular time that my dad and I went to their house to ride, and I was having a few problems with my horse.  Me and Melinda went and loped circles, played follow the leader, and made up our own silly, yet interesting games while Jack and my dad did what they do best... Talk.  As I was walking past them I heard Jack say to my dad that every horse has the potential to do or be something great, but we have to believe they can do it and give them the opportunity to try.  My words aren't exact but that is the lesson I gained from hearing it.  As I thought about what he had said I realized that I didn't believe in my horse or myself and I was holding him back.  I let go of my doubts and kept riding with Melinda.  After a few times of trying to accomplish what I had set out to do, I had success.  It was a great day, not only because I got to ride with, and learn from three of the greatest horsemen I knew, but because I got to ride with, and learn from three of my best friends.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Understanding A Horse

The simplicity and grace of a horse is beautiful, yet the intricacy is too.
The fragility of their minds should not be overtaken by the ability they have to do something new, it's a learning process.
We should not rush them, rather take the time to thoroughly teach them.
We should not criticize them for what they can not do, rather compliment them for what they can do.
The simplicity may show on the outside, but the intricacy lives on the inside.
- Emilee :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cowboys and Indians

        I remember playing Cowboys and Indians when I was little.  I remember running to the barn with my brother Josh when I was 5 years old.  He climbed up the ladder to the top of the barn and grabbed the kid saddle.  I was waiting to watch him climb back down the ladder holding the saddle in one arm and gripping onto the ladder with the other.  That was the day I learned that life isn't always going to go how you picture it to go.  I heard Josh shout 'CATCH'!  The next thing I knew, he was throwing that old saddle out of the barn door and I was standing right under it.  I quickly put my arms out and caught the saddle as it knocked me down.  We took the saddle home and grabbed a saddle stand out of dads shop. We got it all set up and got ourselves ready. Taylor and Josh came out with a rope and a toy gun and I came out with a toy bow and arrow and lipstick on my face like Indian paint. The boys came chasing after me as I tried to run away, only to be roped around the ankles and face planted into the ground.  They ran to the saddle and pretended to run away on their horse while I ran to the shed using it as a hiding spot.  Once the boys realized I was gone  and they had run to the other side of the yard looking for me, I snuck around the shed to where the fresh cow hide was stretching.  I started beating on it like a drum, dancing and yelling like an Indian.  The boys came on a dead run chasing me around the yard.  That's where the memory ends, but it is a memory I will always remember.  Now I look around at these small kids, playing on their tablets or iPods.  It's only been 10 years since I was the little 5 year old running around but everything has seemed to change.  Here's to the kids who used their imaginations to think of games to play instead of Google.

Monday, June 15, 2015

All the pretty horses

Their long, thick, unconfined manes flowing with the wind.
Their thundering hooves beating the ground in a rhythmic sequence.
Their pink, flared nostrils breathing in the fresh, lonely air.
Their excited spirits flying with their bodies across the open country.
Here comes all the pretty horses.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


    Hey guys and gals! Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, it's a busy time of the year! Heres a new one that I wrote.  With spring coming to an end I thought it was quite fitting.

Slick rocks and sliding stones; the wind creates a whistling tone.
The sun is bright and the sky is blue.  We better get going, there's so much to do.  
We head up the mountain on the back of our horse.  We're talking and joking and laughing of course.
We gather the cows and trail them on down.  It's been a great day, in our happiness we drown.
The day's almost over, we get the cows off the ground, into the trailers and sent homeward bound.